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Geometry classes

Rigid Nucleobase class



Source code in mdna/
class ReferenceBase:
    def __init__(self, traj):

            traj (_type_): _description_
        self.traj = traj
        # Determine base type (purine/pyrimidine/other)
        self.base_type = self.get_base_type()
        # Define the Tsukuba convention parameters
        self.tau_1, self.tau_2, self.d = np.radians(141.478), -np.radians(54.418), 0.4702     
        # Get coordinates of key atoms based on base type
        self.C1_coords, self.N_coords, self.C_coords = self.get_coordinates()
        # Calculate base reference point and base vectors
        self.b_R, self.b_L, self.b_D, self.b_N = self.calculate_base_frame()
        # self.basis = np.array([self.b_D.T, self.b_L.T, self.b_N])

    def _select_atom_by_name(self, name):

            name (_type_): _description_

            _type_: _description_
        # Select an atom by name returns shape (n_frames, 1, [x,y,z])
        return np.squeeze([:,['name {name}')[0]],:],axis=1)

    def get_base_type(self):

            ValueError: _description_

            _type_: _description_
        # Extracts all non-hydrogen atoms from the trajectory topology
        atoms = { for atom in self.traj.topology.atoms if atom.element.symbol != 'H'}

        # Check each base in the dictionary to see if all its atoms are present in the extracted atoms set
        for base, base_atoms in NUCLEOBASE_DICT.items():
            if all(atom in atoms for atom in base_atoms):
                return base
        # If no base matches, raise an error
        raise ValueError("Cannot determine the base type from the PDB file.")

    def get_coordinates(self):

            _type_: _description_
        # Get the coordinates of key atoms based on the base type
        C1_coords = self._select_atom_by_name('"C1\'"')
        if self.base_type in ['C','T','U','D']:# "pyrimidine"
            N_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("N1")
            C_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C2")
        elif self.base_type in ['A','G','E','B','P']:# "purine":
            N_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("N9")
            C_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C4") 
        elif self.base_type in ['S','Z']: # Hachi pyrimidine analogues
            N_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C1")
            C_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C2")
        elif self.base_type in ['L']: # UBPs hydrophobic
            N_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("N1")
            C_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C5")
        elif self.base_type in ['M']: # UBPs hydrophilic
            N_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C1")
            C_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C6")
        return C1_coords, N_coords, C_coords

    def calculate_base_frame(self):

            _type_: _description_

        # Calculate normal vector using cross product of vectors formed by key atoms
        #  The coords have the shape (n,1,3)
        b_N = np.cross((self.N_coords - self.C1_coords), (self.N_coords-self.C_coords), axis=1)
        b_N /= np.linalg.norm(b_N, axis=1, keepdims=True)  # Normalize b_N to have unit length

        # Compute displacement vector N-C1' 
        N_C1_vector = self.C1_coords - self.N_coords  # Pointing from N to C1'
        N_C1_vector /= np.linalg.norm(N_C1_vector, axis=1, keepdims=True)

        # Rotate N-C1' vector by angle tau_1 around b_N to get the direction for displacement
        R_b_R = RigidBody.get_rotation_matrix(self.tau_1 * b_N)

        # Displace N along this direction by a distance d to get b_R
        b_R = self.N_coords + np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', R_b_R, N_C1_vector * self.d)

        # Take a unit vector in the N-C1' direction, rotate it around b_N by angle tau_2 to get b_L
        R_b_L = RigidBody.get_rotation_matrix(self.tau_2 * b_N)
        b_L = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', R_b_L, N_C1_vector) 

        # Calculate b_D using cross product of b_L and b_N
        b_D = np.cross(b_L, b_N, axis=1)

        return np.array([b_R, b_D, b_L, b_N])
        #return np.array([b_R, -b_D, -b_L, -b_N])

    def plot_baseframe(self,atoms=True, frame=True, ax=None,length=1):

            atoms (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True.
            frame (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True.
            ax (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None.
            length (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 1.
        if ax is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            fig = False

        # Plot the DNA atoms
        if atoms:
            atoms_coords =[0]
            ax.scatter(atoms_coords[:,0], atoms_coords[:,1], atoms_coords[:,2], alpha=0.6)

        # Plot the reference frame vectors
        if frame:
            origin = self.b_R[0]
            ax.quiver(origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], 
                    self.b_L[0][0], self.b_L[0][1], self.b_L[0][2], 
                    color='r', length=length, normalize=True)
            ax.quiver(origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], 
                    self.b_D[0][0], self.b_D[0][1], self.b_D[0][2], 
                    color='g', length=length, normalize=True)
            ax.quiver(origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], 
                    self.b_N[0][0], self.b_N[0][1], self.b_N[0][2], 
                    color='b', length=length, normalize=True)


        if fig: 
            # Make axes of equal length
            max_range = np.array([
            ]).max() / 2.0

            mid_x = (atoms_coords[:,0].max()+atoms_coords[:,0].min()) * 0.5
            mid_y = (atoms_coords[:,1].max()+atoms_coords[:,1].min()) * 0.5
            mid_z = (atoms_coords[:,2].max()+atoms_coords[:,2].min()) * 0.5
            ax.set_xlim(mid_x - max_range, mid_x + max_range)
            ax.set_ylim(mid_y - max_range, mid_y + max_range)
            ax.set_zlim(mid_z - max_range, mid_z + max_range)





Name Type Description Default
traj _type_


Source code in mdna/
def __init__(self, traj):

        traj (_type_): _description_
    self.traj = traj
    # Determine base type (purine/pyrimidine/other)
    self.base_type = self.get_base_type()
    # Define the Tsukuba convention parameters
    self.tau_1, self.tau_2, self.d = np.radians(141.478), -np.radians(54.418), 0.4702     
    # Get coordinates of key atoms based on base type
    self.C1_coords, self.N_coords, self.C_coords = self.get_coordinates()
    # Calculate base reference point and base vectors
    self.b_R, self.b_L, self.b_D, self.b_N = self.calculate_base_frame()




Name Type Description


Source code in mdna/
def calculate_base_frame(self):

        _type_: _description_

    # Calculate normal vector using cross product of vectors formed by key atoms
    #  The coords have the shape (n,1,3)
    b_N = np.cross((self.N_coords - self.C1_coords), (self.N_coords-self.C_coords), axis=1)
    b_N /= np.linalg.norm(b_N, axis=1, keepdims=True)  # Normalize b_N to have unit length

    # Compute displacement vector N-C1' 
    N_C1_vector = self.C1_coords - self.N_coords  # Pointing from N to C1'
    N_C1_vector /= np.linalg.norm(N_C1_vector, axis=1, keepdims=True)

    # Rotate N-C1' vector by angle tau_1 around b_N to get the direction for displacement
    R_b_R = RigidBody.get_rotation_matrix(self.tau_1 * b_N)

    # Displace N along this direction by a distance d to get b_R
    b_R = self.N_coords + np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', R_b_R, N_C1_vector * self.d)

    # Take a unit vector in the N-C1' direction, rotate it around b_N by angle tau_2 to get b_L
    R_b_L = RigidBody.get_rotation_matrix(self.tau_2 * b_N)
    b_L = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', R_b_L, N_C1_vector) 

    # Calculate b_D using cross product of b_L and b_N
    b_D = np.cross(b_L, b_N, axis=1)

    return np.array([b_R, b_D, b_L, b_N])




Type Description



Name Type Description


Source code in mdna/
def get_base_type(self):

        ValueError: _description_

        _type_: _description_
    # Extracts all non-hydrogen atoms from the trajectory topology
    atoms = { for atom in self.traj.topology.atoms if atom.element.symbol != 'H'}

    # Check each base in the dictionary to see if all its atoms are present in the extracted atoms set
    for base, base_atoms in NUCLEOBASE_DICT.items():
        if all(atom in atoms for atom in base_atoms):
            return base
    # If no base matches, raise an error
    raise ValueError("Cannot determine the base type from the PDB file.")




Name Type Description


Source code in mdna/
def get_coordinates(self):

        _type_: _description_
    # Get the coordinates of key atoms based on the base type
    C1_coords = self._select_atom_by_name('"C1\'"')
    if self.base_type in ['C','T','U','D']:# "pyrimidine"
        N_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("N1")
        C_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C2")
    elif self.base_type in ['A','G','E','B','P']:# "purine":
        N_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("N9")
        C_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C4") 
    elif self.base_type in ['S','Z']: # Hachi pyrimidine analogues
        N_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C1")
        C_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C2")
    elif self.base_type in ['L']: # UBPs hydrophobic
        N_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("N1")
        C_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C5")
    elif self.base_type in ['M']: # UBPs hydrophilic
        N_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C1")
        C_coords = self._select_atom_by_name("C6")
    return C1_coords, N_coords, C_coords

plot_baseframe(atoms=True, frame=True, ax=None, length=1)



Name Type Description Default
atoms bool

description. Defaults to True.

frame bool

description. Defaults to True.

ax _type_

description. Defaults to None.

length int

description. Defaults to 1.

Source code in mdna/
def plot_baseframe(self,atoms=True, frame=True, ax=None,length=1):

        atoms (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True.
        frame (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True.
        ax (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None.
        length (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 1.
    if ax is None:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        fig = False

    # Plot the DNA atoms
    if atoms:
        atoms_coords =[0]
        ax.scatter(atoms_coords[:,0], atoms_coords[:,1], atoms_coords[:,2], alpha=0.6)

    # Plot the reference frame vectors
    if frame:
        origin = self.b_R[0]
        ax.quiver(origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], 
                self.b_L[0][0], self.b_L[0][1], self.b_L[0][2], 
                color='r', length=length, normalize=True)
        ax.quiver(origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], 
                self.b_D[0][0], self.b_D[0][1], self.b_D[0][2], 
                color='g', length=length, normalize=True)
        ax.quiver(origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], 
                self.b_N[0][0], self.b_N[0][1], self.b_N[0][2], 
                color='b', length=length, normalize=True)


    if fig: 
        # Make axes of equal length
        max_range = np.array([
        ]).max() / 2.0

        mid_x = (atoms_coords[:,0].max()+atoms_coords[:,0].min()) * 0.5
        mid_y = (atoms_coords[:,1].max()+atoms_coords[:,1].min()) * 0.5
        mid_z = (atoms_coords[:,2].max()+atoms_coords[:,2].min()) * 0.5
        ax.set_xlim(mid_x - max_range, mid_x + max_range)
        ax.set_ylim(mid_y - max_range, mid_y + max_range)
        ax.set_zlim(mid_z - max_range, mid_z + max_range)


Rigid Base Parameter class


Class to compute the rigid base parameters of a DNA structure.

loc = '/Users/thor/surfdrive/Scripts/notebooks/HNS-sequence/WorkingDir/nolinker/data/md/0_highaff/FI/drytrajs/' traj = md.load(loc+'dry_10.xtc',top=loc+'dry_10.pdb')

dna = NucleicFrames(traj) params, names = dna.get_paramters() params.shape, names

Confidence intervals

from scipy.stats import t

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,6,figsize=(12,4)) fig.tight_layout() ax = ax.flatten() M = np.mean(params, axis=0) S = np.std(params, axis=0) n = params.shape[0] ci = t.ppf(0.975, df=n-1) * S / np.sqrt(n) x = np.arange(0, params.shape[1]) for , i in enumerate(M.T): if _ >= 6: c1, c2 = 'red','coral' else: c1, c2 = 'blue','cornflowerblue' ax[].plot(i[::-1], '-o',color=c1) ax[].fill_between(x, (i-ci[])[::-1], (i+ci[])[::-1], color=c2, alpha=0.2) ax[].set_title(names[_])

Source code in mdna/
class NucleicFrames:
    """Class to compute the rigid base parameters of a DNA structure.

    loc = '/Users/thor/surfdrive/Scripts/notebooks/HNS-sequence/WorkingDir/nolinker/data/md/0_highaff/FI/drytrajs/'
    traj = md.load(loc+'dry_10.xtc',top=loc+'dry_10.pdb')

    dna = NucleicFrames(traj)
    params, names = dna.get_paramters()
    params.shape, names

    # Confidence intervals 
    from scipy.stats import t

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,6,figsize=(12,4))
    ax = ax.flatten()
    M = np.mean(params, axis=0)
    S = np.std(params, axis=0)
    n = params.shape[0]
    ci = t.ppf(0.975, df=n-1) * S / np.sqrt(n)
    x = np.arange(0, params.shape[1])
    for _, i in enumerate(M.T):
        if _ >= 6:
            c1, c2 = 'red','coral'
            c1, c2 = 'blue','cornflowerblue'
        ax[_].plot(i[::-1], '-o',color=c1)
        ax[_].fill_between(x, (i-ci[_])[::-1], (i+ci[_])[::-1], color=c2, alpha=0.2)

    def __init__(self, traj, chainids=[0,1]):
        """Initialize the NucleicFrames object.

            traj (object): MDtraj trajectory object.
            chainids (list, optional): Chainids of sense- and anti-sense strands. Defaults to [0,1].
        self.traj = traj = traj.topology
        self.res_A = self.get_residues(chain_index=chainids[0], reverse=False)
        self.res_B = self.get_residues(chain_index=chainids[1], reverse=True)
        self.mean_reference_frames = np.empty((len(self.res_A), 1, 4, 3))
        self.base_frames = self.get_base_reference_frames()

    def get_residues(self, chain_index, reverse=False):
        """Get residues from specified chain."""
        if chain_index >= len(
            raise IndexError("Chain index out of range.")
        chain =[chain_index]
        residues = chain._residues
        return list(reversed(residues)) if reverse else residues

    def load_reference_bases(self):
        """Load reference bases from local files."""
        # Not used at the moment??
        bases = ['C', 'G', 'T', 'A']
        #return {f'D{base}': md.load_pdb(get_data_file_path(f'./atomic/NDB96_{base}.pdb')) for base in bases}
        return {f'D{base}': md.load_hdf5(get_data_file_path(f'./atomic/bases/BDNA_{base}.h5')) for base in bases}

    def get_base_vectors(self, res):
        """Compute base vectors from reference base."""
        ref_base = ReferenceBase(res)
        return np.array([ref_base.b_R, ref_base.b_L, ref_base.b_D, ref_base.b_N]).swapaxes(0,1)

    def get_base_reference_frames(self):
        """Get reference frames for each residue."""
        reference_frames = {} # Dictionary to store the base vectors for each residue
        for res in self.res_A + self.res_B:
            res_traj = self.traj.atom_slice([at.index for at in res.atoms])
            base_vectors = self.get_base_vectors(res_traj)
            reference_frames[res] = base_vectors # Store the base vectors for the residue index (with shape (4, n_frames, 3))
        return reference_frames

    def reshape_input(self,input_A,input_B,is_step=False):

        """Reshape the input to the correct format for the calculations.

        input_A (ndarray): Input array for the first triad.
        input_B (ndarray): Input array for the second triad.
        is_step (bool, optional): Flag indicating if the input is a single step or a trajectory. Defaults to False.

        rotation_A (ndarray): Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the first triad.
        rotation_B (ndarray): Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the second triad.
        origin_A (ndarray): Origins of shape (n, 3) for the first triad.
        origin_B (ndarray): Origins of shape (n, 3) for the second triad.
        original_shape (tuple): The original shape of the input.

        # Store original shape
        original_shape = input_A.shape

        # Flatten frames to compute rotation matrices for each time step simultaneously
        input_A_ = input_A.reshape(-1,original_shape[-2],original_shape[-1])  # shape (n, 4, 3)
        input_B_ = input_B.reshape(-1,original_shape[-2],original_shape[-1])  # shape (n, 4, 3)

        # Extract the triads without origin (rotation matrices)
        rotation_A = input_A_[:,1:]  # shape (n, 3, 3)
        rotation_B = input_B_[:,1:]  # shape (n, 3, 3)

        if not is_step:
            # flip (connecting the backbones) and the (baseplane normals).
            # so the second and third vector b_L, b_N
            rotation_B[:,[1,2]] *= -1

        # Extract origins of triads
        origin_A = input_A_[:,0]  # shape (n, 3)
        origin_B = input_B_[:,0]  # shape (n, 3)

        return rotation_A, rotation_B, origin_A, origin_B, original_shape

    def compute_parameters(self, rotation_A, rotation_B, origin_A, origin_B):
        """Calculate the parameters between each base pair and mean reference frames.

            rotation_A (ndarray): Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the first triad.
            rotation_B (ndarray): Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the second triad.
            origin_A (ndarray): Origins of shape (n, 3) for the first triad.
            origin_B (ndarray): Origins of shape (n, 3) for the second triad.

            rigid_parameters (ndarray): The parameters of shape (n, 12) representing the relative translation and rotation between each base pair.
            trans_mid (ndarray): The mean translational vector of shape (n, 3) between the triads.
            rotation_mid (ndarray): The mean rotation matrix of shape (n, 3, 3) between the triads.

        # Linear interpolation of translations
        trans_mid = 0.5 * (origin_A + origin_B)

        # Relative translation
        trans_AB = origin_A - origin_B

        # Get relative rotation matrix of base pair
        rotation_BA = rotation_B.transpose(0,2,1) @ rotation_A  # returns shape (n, 3, 3)

        # Get rotation angles based on  rotation matrices
        rotation_angle_BA = RigidBody.extract_omega_values(rotation_BA)

        # Compute halfway rotation matrix and triad (mid frame)
        rotation_halfway = RigidBody.get_rotation_matrix(rotation_angle_BA * 0.5)

        # Get rotation matrix of base pair (aka mean rotation frame)
        rotation_mid = rotation_B @ rotation_halfway 

        # Get transaltional coordinate vector and convert to angstroms
        translational_parameters = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij',rotation_mid.transpose(0,2,1), trans_AB) * 10

        # Get rotational parameters and convert to degrees
        rotational_parameters = np.rad2deg(np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', rotation_BA.transpose(0,2,1), rotation_angle_BA))

        # Merge translational and rotational parameters
        rigid_parameters = np.hstack((translational_parameters, rotational_parameters))

        # Return the parameters and the mean reference frame
        return rigid_parameters, trans_mid, rotation_mid

    def calculate_parameters(self,frames_A, frames_B, is_step=False):
        """Calculate the parameters between each base pair and mean reference frames.

        Assumes frames are of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 4, 3) where the last two dimensions are the base triads.
        The base triads consist of an origin (first index) and three vectors (latter 3 indices) representing the base frame.
        With the order of the vectors being: b_R, b_L, b_D, b_N.

            frames_A (ndarray): Frames of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 4, 3) representing the base triads for chain A.
            frames_B (ndarray): Frames of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 4, 3) representing the base triads for chain B.
            is_step (bool, optional): Flag indicating if the input is a single step or a trajectory. Defaults to False.

            Note the vectors are stored rowwise in the base triads, and not the usual column representation of the rotation matrices.

            params (ndarray): The parameters of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 6) representing the relative translation and rotation between each base pair.
            mean_reference_frames (ndarray): The mean reference frames of shape (n_bp, n_frames, 4, 3) representing the mean reference frame of each base pair.

        # Reshape frames
        rotation_A, rotation_B, origin_A, origin_B, original_shape = self.reshape_input(frames_A,frames_B, is_step=is_step)

        # Compute parameters
        if not is_step:
            # Flip from row to column representation of the rotation matrices
            rotation_A = rotation_A.transpose(0,2,1)
            rotation_B = rotation_B.transpose(0,2,1)
            params, mean_origin, mean_rotation = self.compute_parameters(rotation_A, rotation_B, origin_A, origin_B)
            # Switch the input of the B and A triads to get the correct parameters
            params, mean_origin, mean_rotation = self.compute_parameters(rotation_B, rotation_A, origin_B, origin_A)

        # Reshape the parameters to the original shape
        params = params.reshape(original_shape[0], original_shape[1], 6).swapaxes(0, 1)

        # Collect mean reference frames from mid frames of each base pair
        mean_reference_frames = np.hstack((mean_origin[:, np.newaxis, :],mean_rotation)).reshape(original_shape)

        if is_step:
            # Creating an array of zeros with shape (10000, 1, 6)
            extra_column = np.zeros((params.shape[0], 1, 6))

            # Concatenating the existing array and the extra column along the second axis
            params = np.concatenate((extra_column,params), axis=1)

        # Return the parameters and the mean reference frames
        return  params, mean_reference_frames if not is_step else params

    def analyse_frames(self):
        """Analyze the trajectory and compute parameters."""

        # Get base reference frames for each residue
        frames_A = np.array([self.base_frames[res] for res in self.res_A])
        frames_B = np.array([self.base_frames[res] for res in self.res_B])

        # Compute parameters between each base pair and mean reference frames
        self.bp_params, self.mean_reference_frames = self.calculate_parameters(frames_A, frames_B)

        # Extract mean reference frames for each neighboring base pair
        B1_triads = self.mean_reference_frames[:-1] # select all but the last frame
        B2_triads = self.mean_reference_frames[1:] # select all but the first frame

        # Compute parameters between each base pair and mean reference frames
        self.step_params = self.calculate_parameters(B1_triads, B2_triads, is_step=True)[0]

        # Store mean reference frame / aka base pair triads as frames and transpose rotation matrices back to row wise
        self.frames = self.mean_reference_frames
        self.frames[:, :, 1:, :] = np.transpose(self.frames[:, :, 1:, :], axes=(0, 1, 3, 2))

    def _clean_parameters(self):
        """Clean the parameters by removing the first and last frame."""
        self.step_parameter_names = ['shift', 'slide', 'rise', 'tilt', 'roll', 'twist']
        self.base_parameter_names = ['shear', 'stretch', 'stagger', 'buckle', 'propeller', 'opening']
        self.names = self.base_parameter_names + self.step_parameter_names
        self.parameters = np.dstack((self.bp_params, self.step_params))

    def get_parameters(self,step=False,base=False):
        """Return the computed parameters of shape (n_frames, n_base_pairs, n_parameters)"""
        if step and not base:
            return self.step_params, self.step_parameter_names
        elif base and not step:
            return self.bp_params, self.base_parameter_names
        elif not step and not base:
            return self.parameters, self.names

    def get_parameter(self,name='twist'):
        """Get the parameter of the DNA structure, choose frome the following:
        - shift, slide, rise, tilt, roll, twist, shear, stretch, stagger, buckle, propeller, opening

            name (str): parameter name

            parameter(ndarray) : parameter in shape (n_frames, n_base_pairs)"""

        if name not in self.names:
            raise ValueError(f"Parameter {name} not found.")
        return self.parameters[:,:,self.names.index(name)]

    def plot_parameters(self, fig=None, ax=None, mean=True, std=True,figsize=[10,3.5], save=False,step=True,base=True,base_color='cornflowerblue',step_color='coral'):
        """Plot the rigid base parameters of the DNA structure
            fig: figure
            ax: axis
            mean: plot mean
            std: plot standard deviation
            figsize: figure size
            save: save figure
            figure, axis"""

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        cols = step + base

        if fig is None and ax is None:
            fig,ax = plt.subplots(cols,6, figsize=[12,2*cols])
            ax = ax.flatten()
        if step and not base:
            names = self.step_parameter_names
        elif base and not step:
            names = self.base_parameter_names
        elif base and step:
            names = self.names

        for _,name in enumerate(names):
            if name in self.step_parameter_names:
                color = step_color
                color = base_color
            para = self.get_parameter(name)
            mean = np.mean(para, axis=0)
            std = np.std(para, axis=0)
            x = range(len(mean))
            #ax[_].errorbar(x,mean, yerr=std, fmt='-', color=color)
            ax[_].fill_between(x, mean-std, mean+std, color=color, alpha=0.2)
            ax[_].plot(mean, color=color,lw=1)    

        if save:
        return fig, ax 

__init__(traj, chainids=[0, 1])

Initialize the NucleicFrames object.


Name Type Description Default
traj object

MDtraj trajectory object.

chainids list

Chainids of sense- and anti-sense strands. Defaults to [0,1].

[0, 1]
Source code in mdna/
def __init__(self, traj, chainids=[0,1]):
    """Initialize the NucleicFrames object.

        traj (object): MDtraj trajectory object.
        chainids (list, optional): Chainids of sense- and anti-sense strands. Defaults to [0,1].
    self.traj = traj = traj.topology
    self.res_A = self.get_residues(chain_index=chainids[0], reverse=False)
    self.res_B = self.get_residues(chain_index=chainids[1], reverse=True)
    self.mean_reference_frames = np.empty((len(self.res_A), 1, 4, 3))
    self.base_frames = self.get_base_reference_frames()


Analyze the trajectory and compute parameters.

Source code in mdna/
def analyse_frames(self):
    """Analyze the trajectory and compute parameters."""

    # Get base reference frames for each residue
    frames_A = np.array([self.base_frames[res] for res in self.res_A])
    frames_B = np.array([self.base_frames[res] for res in self.res_B])

    # Compute parameters between each base pair and mean reference frames
    self.bp_params, self.mean_reference_frames = self.calculate_parameters(frames_A, frames_B)

    # Extract mean reference frames for each neighboring base pair
    B1_triads = self.mean_reference_frames[:-1] # select all but the last frame
    B2_triads = self.mean_reference_frames[1:] # select all but the first frame

    # Compute parameters between each base pair and mean reference frames
    self.step_params = self.calculate_parameters(B1_triads, B2_triads, is_step=True)[0]

    # Store mean reference frame / aka base pair triads as frames and transpose rotation matrices back to row wise
    self.frames = self.mean_reference_frames
    self.frames[:, :, 1:, :] = np.transpose(self.frames[:, :, 1:, :], axes=(0, 1, 3, 2))

calculate_parameters(frames_A, frames_B, is_step=False)

Calculate the parameters between each base pair and mean reference frames.

Assumes frames are of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 4, 3) where the last two dimensions are the base triads. The base triads consist of an origin (first index) and three vectors (latter 3 indices) representing the base frame. With the order of the vectors being: b_R, b_L, b_D, b_N.


Name Type Description Default
frames_A ndarray

Frames of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 4, 3) representing the base triads for chain A.

frames_B ndarray

Frames of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 4, 3) representing the base triads for chain B.

is_step bool

Flag indicating if the input is a single step or a trajectory. Defaults to False.


Note the vectors are stored rowwise in the base triads, and not the usual column representation of the rotation matrices.


Name Type Description
params ndarray

The parameters of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 6) representing the relative translation and rotation between each base pair.

mean_reference_frames ndarray

The mean reference frames of shape (n_bp, n_frames, 4, 3) representing the mean reference frame of each base pair.

Source code in mdna/
def calculate_parameters(self,frames_A, frames_B, is_step=False):
    """Calculate the parameters between each base pair and mean reference frames.

    Assumes frames are of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 4, 3) where the last two dimensions are the base triads.
    The base triads consist of an origin (first index) and three vectors (latter 3 indices) representing the base frame.
    With the order of the vectors being: b_R, b_L, b_D, b_N.

        frames_A (ndarray): Frames of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 4, 3) representing the base triads for chain A.
        frames_B (ndarray): Frames of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 4, 3) representing the base triads for chain B.
        is_step (bool, optional): Flag indicating if the input is a single step or a trajectory. Defaults to False.

        Note the vectors are stored rowwise in the base triads, and not the usual column representation of the rotation matrices.

        params (ndarray): The parameters of shape (n_frames, n_residues, 6) representing the relative translation and rotation between each base pair.
        mean_reference_frames (ndarray): The mean reference frames of shape (n_bp, n_frames, 4, 3) representing the mean reference frame of each base pair.

    # Reshape frames
    rotation_A, rotation_B, origin_A, origin_B, original_shape = self.reshape_input(frames_A,frames_B, is_step=is_step)

    # Compute parameters
    if not is_step:
        # Flip from row to column representation of the rotation matrices
        rotation_A = rotation_A.transpose(0,2,1)
        rotation_B = rotation_B.transpose(0,2,1)
        params, mean_origin, mean_rotation = self.compute_parameters(rotation_A, rotation_B, origin_A, origin_B)
        # Switch the input of the B and A triads to get the correct parameters
        params, mean_origin, mean_rotation = self.compute_parameters(rotation_B, rotation_A, origin_B, origin_A)

    # Reshape the parameters to the original shape
    params = params.reshape(original_shape[0], original_shape[1], 6).swapaxes(0, 1)

    # Collect mean reference frames from mid frames of each base pair
    mean_reference_frames = np.hstack((mean_origin[:, np.newaxis, :],mean_rotation)).reshape(original_shape)

    if is_step:
        # Creating an array of zeros with shape (10000, 1, 6)
        extra_column = np.zeros((params.shape[0], 1, 6))

        # Concatenating the existing array and the extra column along the second axis
        params = np.concatenate((extra_column,params), axis=1)

    # Return the parameters and the mean reference frames
    return  params, mean_reference_frames if not is_step else params

compute_parameters(rotation_A, rotation_B, origin_A, origin_B)

Calculate the parameters between each base pair and mean reference frames.


Name Type Description Default
rotation_A ndarray

Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the first triad.

rotation_B ndarray

Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the second triad.

origin_A ndarray

Origins of shape (n, 3) for the first triad.

origin_B ndarray

Origins of shape (n, 3) for the second triad.



Name Type Description
rigid_parameters ndarray

The parameters of shape (n, 12) representing the relative translation and rotation between each base pair.

trans_mid ndarray

The mean translational vector of shape (n, 3) between the triads.

rotation_mid ndarray

The mean rotation matrix of shape (n, 3, 3) between the triads.

Source code in mdna/
def compute_parameters(self, rotation_A, rotation_B, origin_A, origin_B):
    """Calculate the parameters between each base pair and mean reference frames.

        rotation_A (ndarray): Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the first triad.
        rotation_B (ndarray): Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the second triad.
        origin_A (ndarray): Origins of shape (n, 3) for the first triad.
        origin_B (ndarray): Origins of shape (n, 3) for the second triad.

        rigid_parameters (ndarray): The parameters of shape (n, 12) representing the relative translation and rotation between each base pair.
        trans_mid (ndarray): The mean translational vector of shape (n, 3) between the triads.
        rotation_mid (ndarray): The mean rotation matrix of shape (n, 3, 3) between the triads.

    # Linear interpolation of translations
    trans_mid = 0.5 * (origin_A + origin_B)

    # Relative translation
    trans_AB = origin_A - origin_B

    # Get relative rotation matrix of base pair
    rotation_BA = rotation_B.transpose(0,2,1) @ rotation_A  # returns shape (n, 3, 3)

    # Get rotation angles based on  rotation matrices
    rotation_angle_BA = RigidBody.extract_omega_values(rotation_BA)

    # Compute halfway rotation matrix and triad (mid frame)
    rotation_halfway = RigidBody.get_rotation_matrix(rotation_angle_BA * 0.5)

    # Get rotation matrix of base pair (aka mean rotation frame)
    rotation_mid = rotation_B @ rotation_halfway 

    # Get transaltional coordinate vector and convert to angstroms
    translational_parameters = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij',rotation_mid.transpose(0,2,1), trans_AB) * 10

    # Get rotational parameters and convert to degrees
    rotational_parameters = np.rad2deg(np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', rotation_BA.transpose(0,2,1), rotation_angle_BA))

    # Merge translational and rotational parameters
    rigid_parameters = np.hstack((translational_parameters, rotational_parameters))

    # Return the parameters and the mean reference frame
    return rigid_parameters, trans_mid, rotation_mid


Get reference frames for each residue.

Source code in mdna/
def get_base_reference_frames(self):
    """Get reference frames for each residue."""
    reference_frames = {} # Dictionary to store the base vectors for each residue
    for res in self.res_A + self.res_B:
        res_traj = self.traj.atom_slice([at.index for at in res.atoms])
        base_vectors = self.get_base_vectors(res_traj)
        reference_frames[res] = base_vectors # Store the base vectors for the residue index (with shape (4, n_frames, 3))
    return reference_frames


Compute base vectors from reference base.

Source code in mdna/
def get_base_vectors(self, res):
    """Compute base vectors from reference base."""
    ref_base = ReferenceBase(res)
    return np.array([ref_base.b_R, ref_base.b_L, ref_base.b_D, ref_base.b_N]).swapaxes(0,1)


Get the parameter of the DNA structure, choose frome the following: - shift, slide, rise, tilt, roll, twist, shear, stretch, stagger, buckle, propeller, opening


Name Type Description Default
name str

parameter name



Type Description

parameter(ndarray) : parameter in shape (n_frames, n_base_pairs)

Source code in mdna/
def get_parameter(self,name='twist'):
    """Get the parameter of the DNA structure, choose frome the following:
    - shift, slide, rise, tilt, roll, twist, shear, stretch, stagger, buckle, propeller, opening

        name (str): parameter name

        parameter(ndarray) : parameter in shape (n_frames, n_base_pairs)"""

    if name not in self.names:
        raise ValueError(f"Parameter {name} not found.")
    return self.parameters[:,:,self.names.index(name)]

get_parameters(step=False, base=False)

Return the computed parameters of shape (n_frames, n_base_pairs, n_parameters)

Source code in mdna/
def get_parameters(self,step=False,base=False):
    """Return the computed parameters of shape (n_frames, n_base_pairs, n_parameters)"""
    if step and not base:
        return self.step_params, self.step_parameter_names
    elif base and not step:
        return self.bp_params, self.base_parameter_names
    elif not step and not base:
        return self.parameters, self.names

get_residues(chain_index, reverse=False)

Get residues from specified chain.

Source code in mdna/
def get_residues(self, chain_index, reverse=False):
    """Get residues from specified chain."""
    if chain_index >= len(
        raise IndexError("Chain index out of range.")
    chain =[chain_index]
    residues = chain._residues
    return list(reversed(residues)) if reverse else residues


Load reference bases from local files.

Source code in mdna/
def load_reference_bases(self):
    """Load reference bases from local files."""
    # Not used at the moment??
    bases = ['C', 'G', 'T', 'A']
    #return {f'D{base}': md.load_pdb(get_data_file_path(f'./atomic/NDB96_{base}.pdb')) for base in bases}
    return {f'D{base}': md.load_hdf5(get_data_file_path(f'./atomic/bases/BDNA_{base}.h5')) for base in bases}

plot_parameters(fig=None, ax=None, mean=True, std=True, figsize=[10, 3.5], save=False, step=True, base=True, base_color='cornflowerblue', step_color='coral')

Plot the rigid base parameters of the DNA structure Args: fig: figure ax: axis mean: plot mean std: plot standard deviation figsize: figure size save: save figure Returns: figure, axis

Source code in mdna/
def plot_parameters(self, fig=None, ax=None, mean=True, std=True,figsize=[10,3.5], save=False,step=True,base=True,base_color='cornflowerblue',step_color='coral'):
    """Plot the rigid base parameters of the DNA structure
        fig: figure
        ax: axis
        mean: plot mean
        std: plot standard deviation
        figsize: figure size
        save: save figure
        figure, axis"""

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    cols = step + base

    if fig is None and ax is None:
        fig,ax = plt.subplots(cols,6, figsize=[12,2*cols])
        ax = ax.flatten()
    if step and not base:
        names = self.step_parameter_names
    elif base and not step:
        names = self.base_parameter_names
    elif base and step:
        names = self.names

    for _,name in enumerate(names):
        if name in self.step_parameter_names:
            color = step_color
            color = base_color
        para = self.get_parameter(name)
        mean = np.mean(para, axis=0)
        std = np.std(para, axis=0)
        x = range(len(mean))
        #ax[_].errorbar(x,mean, yerr=std, fmt='-', color=color)
        ax[_].fill_between(x, mean-std, mean+std, color=color, alpha=0.2)
        ax[_].plot(mean, color=color,lw=1)    

    if save:
    return fig, ax 

reshape_input(input_A, input_B, is_step=False)

Reshape the input to the correct format for the calculations.

Args: input_A (ndarray): Input array for the first triad. input_B (ndarray): Input array for the second triad. is_step (bool, optional): Flag indicating if the input is a single step or a trajectory. Defaults to False.

Returns: rotation_A (ndarray): Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the first triad. rotation_B (ndarray): Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the second triad. origin_A (ndarray): Origins of shape (n, 3) for the first triad. origin_B (ndarray): Origins of shape (n, 3) for the second triad. original_shape (tuple): The original shape of the input.

Source code in mdna/
def reshape_input(self,input_A,input_B,is_step=False):

    """Reshape the input to the correct format for the calculations.

    input_A (ndarray): Input array for the first triad.
    input_B (ndarray): Input array for the second triad.
    is_step (bool, optional): Flag indicating if the input is a single step or a trajectory. Defaults to False.

    rotation_A (ndarray): Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the first triad.
    rotation_B (ndarray): Rotation matrices of shape (n, 3, 3) for the second triad.
    origin_A (ndarray): Origins of shape (n, 3) for the first triad.
    origin_B (ndarray): Origins of shape (n, 3) for the second triad.
    original_shape (tuple): The original shape of the input.

    # Store original shape
    original_shape = input_A.shape

    # Flatten frames to compute rotation matrices for each time step simultaneously
    input_A_ = input_A.reshape(-1,original_shape[-2],original_shape[-1])  # shape (n, 4, 3)
    input_B_ = input_B.reshape(-1,original_shape[-2],original_shape[-1])  # shape (n, 4, 3)

    # Extract the triads without origin (rotation matrices)
    rotation_A = input_A_[:,1:]  # shape (n, 3, 3)
    rotation_B = input_B_[:,1:]  # shape (n, 3, 3)

    if not is_step:
        # flip (connecting the backbones) and the (baseplane normals).
        # so the second and third vector b_L, b_N
        rotation_B[:,[1,2]] *= -1

    # Extract origins of triads
    origin_A = input_A_[:,0]  # shape (n, 3)
    origin_B = input_B_[:,0]  # shape (n, 3)

    return rotation_A, rotation_B, origin_A, origin_B, original_shape