class Nucleic:
"""Contains mdna DNA structure with reference frames and trajectory"""
def __init__(self, sequence=None, n_bp=None, traj=None, frames=None, chainids=[0,1], circular=None):
"""Initializes the DNA structure.
sequence (str): The DNA sequence, e.g. 'CGCGAATTCGCG'.
n_bp (int): The number of base pairs. Default is None.
traj (object): The MDTraj trajectory. Default is None.
frames (np.ndarray): The reference frames of the DNA structure. Default is None.
chainids (list): The chain IDs. Default is [0,1].
circular (bool): A flag that indicates if the structure is circular/closed. Default is None.
ValueError: If both traj and frames are provided.
ValueError: If frames have an invalid shape.
ValueError: If the number of base pairs in the sequence and frames do not match.
ValueError: If neither traj nor frames are provided.
- If traj is provided, sequence and n_bp will be extracted from the trajectory.
- If frames is provided, n_bp will be determined from the shape of frames.
- If sequence is provided, it will be checked against the number of base pairs.
sequence (str): The DNA sequence.
n_bp (int): The number of base pairs.
traj (object): The MDTraj trajectory.
frames (np.ndarray): The reference frames of the DNA structure.
chainids (list): The chain IDs.
circular (bool): A flag that indicates if the structure is circular/closed.
rigid (None): A container for rigid base parameters class output.
minimizer (None): A container for minimizer class output.
# Check for trajectory
if traj is not None:
if frames is not None:
raise ValueError('Provide either a trajectory or reference frames, not both')
# Extract sequence from the trajectory
sequence = get_sequence_letters(traj, leading_chain=chainids[0])
n_bp = len(sequence)
sequence = ''.join(sequence)
frames = None # Nucleic class will handle extraction from traj
# Check for reference frames
elif frames is not None:
if frames.ndim == 3:
# Case (n_bp, 4, 3)
frames = np.expand_dims(frames, axis=1)
if frames.ndim != 4:
raise ValueError('Frames should be of shape (n_bp, n_timesteps, 4, 3) or (n_bp, 4, 3)')
n_bp = frames.shape[0]
if sequence is not None:
if len(sequence) != n_bp:
raise ValueError('Number of base pairs in the sequence and frames do not match')
sequence, n_bp = _check_input(sequence=sequence, n_bp=n_bp)
raise ValueError('Provide either a trajectory or reference frames')
self.sequence, self.n_bp = sequence, n_bp
self.traj = traj
self.frames = frames
self.chainids = chainids
self.circular = self._is_circular() if circular is None else circular
self.rigid = None # Container for rigid base parameters class output
self.minimizer = None # Container for minimizer class output
self.base_pair_map = {'A':'T','T':'A','G':'C','C':'G','U':'A','D':'G','E':'T','L':'M','M':'L','B':'S','S':'B','Z':'P','P':'Z'}
def describe(self):
"""Print the DNA structure information"""
print(f'{"Circular " if self.circular else ""}DNA structure with {self.n_bp} base pairs')
print('Sequence:', ''.join(self.sequence))
if self.traj is not None:
print('Trajectory not loaded')
if self.frames is not None:
print('Frames: ', self.frames.shape)
print('Frames not loaded')
def _frames_to_traj(self, frame=-1):
"""Convert reference frames to trajectory"""
if self.frames is None:
raise ValueError('Load reference frames first')
self.traj = None
generator = StructureGenerator(frames=self.frames[:,frame,:,:], sequence=self.sequence, circular=self.circular)
self.traj = generator.get_traj()
def _traj_to_frames(self):
"""Convert trajectory to reference frames"""
if self.traj is None:
raise ValueError('Load trajectory first')
self.rigid = NucleicFrames(self.traj, self.chainids)
self.frames =self.rigid.frames
def get_frames(self):
"""Get the reference frames of the DNA structure belonging to the base steps:
Returns: array of reference frames of shape (n_frames, n_bp, 4, 3)
where n_frames is the number of frames, n_bp is the number of base pairs,
and 4 corresponds to the origin and the 3 vectors of the reference frame
frames (np.ndarray): reference frames of the DNA structure"""
if self.frames is None:
return self.frames
def get_traj(self):
"""Get the trajectory of the current state of the DNA structure
MDtraj object"""
if self.traj is None:
if self.traj.n_atoms > 99999:
print('Warning: Trajectory contains more than 99999 atoms, consider saving as .h5')
return self.traj
def get_rigid_object(self):
"""Get the rigid base class object of the DNA structure
NucleicFrames (object): Object representing the rigid base parameters of the DNA structure."""
if self.rigid is None and self.traj is not None:
self.rigid = NucleicFrames(self.traj, self.chainids)
return self.rigid
elif self.rigid is None and self.traj is None:
self.rigid = NucleicFrames(self.traj, self.chainids)
return self.rigid
return self.rigid
def get_parameters(self, step : bool = False, base : bool = False):
"""By default retuns all the parameters of the DNA structure.
Use arguments to get a specific parameter group of the DNA structure.
step (bool, optional): Returns only the step parameters of consequative bases. Defaults to False.
base (bool, optional): Returns onlt the base pair parameters of opposing bases. Defaults to False.
(parameters, names) (tuple) : Returns the names of the computed parameters of shape (n_frames, n_base_pairs, n_parameters)"""
if self.rigid is None:
return self.rigid.get_parameters(step=step, base=base)
def get_parameter(self, parameter_name : str):
"""Get a specific parameter from the rigid base parameters class object of the DNA structure
parameter_name (str): The name of the parameter to retrieve.
The following parameters can be retrieved:
- shift, slide, rise, tilt, roll, twist, shear, stretch, stagger, buckle, propeller, opening
np.ndarray: The parameter values of the DNA structure."""
if self.rigid is None:
return self.rigid.get_parameter(parameter_name)
def get_base_frames(self):
"""Get the base reference frames of the DNA structure
dict: A dictionary containing the base reference frames of the DNA structure.
The keys are residue topologies of the MDTraj object ( and the values are the reference frames in shape (n_frames, 4, 3),
where the rows represent the origin, b_D, b_L, and b_N vectors."""
if self.rigid is None:
return self.rigid.get_base_reference_frames()
def _is_circular(self, frame=0):
"""Detects if the DNA structure is circular for a given chain and frame.
frame (int, optional): Frame index to check. Default is 0.
bool: True if the DNA is circular, False otherwise.
if self.frames is None:
start = self.frames[0, frame, 0]
end = self.frames[-1, frame, 0]
distance = np.linalg.norm(start - end)
# 0.34 nm is roughly the distance between base pairs and 20 is the minimum number of base pairs for circular DNA
return distance < 1 and self.frames.shape[0] > 20
def _plot_chain(self, ax, traj, chainid, frame, lw=1, markersize=2, color='k'):
"""Plot the DNA structure of a chain"""
phosphor ='name P and chainid {chainid}')
x =[frame, phosphor, 0]
y =[frame, phosphor, 1]
z =[frame, phosphor, 2]
ax.plot(x, y, z, '-o', c=color, markersize=markersize*1.2, lw=lw)
if self.circular:
# Connect the last point to the first point
ax.plot([x[-1], x[0]], [y[-1], y[0]], [z[-1], z[0]], '-o', c=color, markersize=markersize*1.2, lw=lw)
def _plot_helical_axis(self, ax, frame, lw=1, color='k'):
helical_axis = self.frames[:,frame,0]
if self.circular:
def draw(self, ax=None, fig=None, save=False, frame=-1, markersize=2, lw=1, helical_axis=True, backbone=True, lead=False, anti=False, triads=False, length=0.23,color_lead='k',color_anti='darkgrey',color_axis='k'):
"""Draws a 3D representation of the DNA structure with optional helical axis, backbone, lead, anti, and triads.
ax (object, optional): Matplotlib axis. Default is None.
fig (object, optional): Figure axis. Default is None.
save (bool, optional): Save image as png. Default is False.
frame (int, optional): Index of trajectory to visualize. Default is -1.
markersize (int, optional): Width of backbone plot. Default is 2.
lw (int, optional): Line width of plots. Default is 1.
helical_axis (bool, optional): Plot central axis passing through frame origins. Default is True.
backbone (bool, optional): Plot backbone as 'o-' line plot through phosphor atoms. Default is True.
lead (bool, optional): Plot leading strand. Default is False.
anti (bool, optional): Plot anti-sense opposing leading strand. Default is False.
triads (bool, optional): Plot triads in order of b_L (blue), b_N (green), b_T (red). Default is False.
length (float, optional): Length of triad vectors. Default is 0.23.
color_lead (str, optional): Color of the leading strand. Default is 'k'.
color_anti (str, optional): Color of the anti strand. Default is 'darkgrey'.
color_axis (str, optional): Color of the helical axis. Default is 'k'.
- The function draws a 3D representation of the DNA structure using matplotlib.
- The function requires either the trajectory or reference frames to be loaded before calling.
Make a DNA structure and draw the 3D representation
dna = nuc.make(sequence='CGCGAATTCGCG')
# TODO: handle circular DNA and when trajectory is not loaded make frames uniform
# in shape (time/n_frames, n_bp, 4, 3)
if self.traj is None:
elif self.frames is None:
if fig is None and ax is None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
if backbone:
lead = True
anti = True
if lead:
self._plot_chain(ax, self.traj, self.chainids[0], frame=frame, markersize=markersize, lw=lw, color=color_lead)
if anti:
self._plot_chain(ax, self.traj, self.chainids[1], frame=frame, markersize=markersize, lw=lw, color=color_anti)
if helical_axis:
self._plot_helical_axis(ax, frame=frame, lw=lw, color=color_axis)
if triads:
for triad in self.frames:
triad = triad[frame]
if save:
fig.savefig('dna.png', dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')
def minimize(self, frame: int = -1, exvol_rad : float = 2.0, temperature : int = 300, simple : bool = False, equilibrate_writhe : bool = False, endpoints_fixed : bool = False, fixed : List[int] = [], dump_every : int = 5, plot : bool = False):
Minimize the DNA structure. This method updates the of the DNA structure.
frame (int): The trajectory frame to minimize. Defaults to -1.
simple (bool): Whether to use simple equilibration. Defaults to False.
equilibrate_writhe (bool): Whether to equilibrate writhe. Defaults to False. Only works for simple equilibration.
endpoints_fixed (bool): Whether the endpoints are fixed. Defaults to False.
fixed (list): List of fixed base pairs. Defaults to an empty list.
exvol_rad (float): Excluded volume radius. Defaults to 2.0.
temperature (int): Temperature for equilibration. Defaults to 300.
dump_every (int): Frequency of dumping frames. Defaults to 5.
plot (bool): Whether to plot the energy. Defaults to False.
Additional keyword arguments can be provided and will be passed to the minimizer.
For the simple equilibation, we rely on checking whether the considered quantity starts to fluctuate around a fixed value.
This options is compatible with With the argument equilibrate_writhe, which you can specify that writhe should also be considered for equilibration.
The other option is to use the full equilibration, which is based on the actual energy of the system.
We assume the energy to converge exponentially to the equilibrated value.
This works fairly well for most examples I checked but is not entirely robust.
Considering autocorrelation has some issues when there are relaxations at different timescales.
Also, I wasn't able to use something consistent to equilibrate writhe, since that involves a barrier crossing.
It is really non-trivial to set a criterion for whether or not a globally stable value is reached.
Load a DNA structure and minimize it
nuc = mdna.load(traj)
nuc.minimize(temperature=310, exvol_rad=2.0)
self.minimizer = Minimizer(self)
self.minimizer.minimize(frame=frame, exvol_rad=exvol_rad, temperature=temperature, simple=simple, equilibrate_writhe=equilibrate_writhe, endpoints_fixed=endpoints_fixed, fixed=fixed, dump_every=dump_every)
# Update the reference frames
def get_MC_traj(self):
"""Get the MC sampling energy minimization trajectory of the new spline."""
if self.minimizer is None:
raise ValueError('Run minimization first')
return self.minimizer.get_MC_traj()
def mutate(self, mutations: dict = None, complementary: bool = True, frame: int = -1, verbose: bool = False):
"""Mutate the DNA trajectory, updating the topology and coordinates of the DNA structure.
The method updates the `traj` attribute and the `sequence` attribute of the DNA object.
mutations (dict, optional): A dictionary containing the mutation information. The keys represent the indices of the base pairs to be mutated, and the values represent the new nucleobases. For example, `mutations = {0: 'A', 1: 'T', 2: 'G'}` will mutate the first three base pairs to A, T, and G, respectively. Defaults to None.
complementary (bool, optional): Whether to mutate the complementary strand. Defaults to True.
frame (int, optional): The frame to mutate. Defaults to -1.
verbose (bool, optional): Whether to print the mutated sequence. Defaults to False.
ValueError: If no mutation dictionary is provided.
- Valid nucleobases for mutations include:
- Canonical bases: A, T, G, C, U
- Hachimoji: B [A_ana], S [T_ana], P [C_ana], Z [G_ana] (DOI: 10.1126/science.aat0971)
- Fluorescent: 2-aminopurine 2AP (E), triC (D) (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201001312), tricyclic cytosine base analogue (1tuq)
- Hydrophobic pairs: d5SICS (L), dNaM (M)
Create a DNA object
dna = DNA()
mutations = {0: 'A', 1: 'T', 2: 'G'}
dna.mutate(mutations=mutations, complementary=True, frame=-1)
if self.traj is None:
if mutations is None:
raise ValueError('Provide a mutation dictionary')
# TODO: Check if valid letters in mutations dictionary
mutant = Mutate(self.traj[frame], mutations, complementary=complementary, verbose=verbose)
self.traj = mutant.get_traj()
# Update sequence
self.sequence = ''.join(get_sequence_letters(self.traj, leading_chain=self.chainids[0]))
def flip(self, fliplist: list = [], deg: int = 180, frame: int = -1):
"""Flips the nucleobases of the DNA structure.
The method updates the `traj` attribute of the DNA object.
fliplist (list): A list of base pairs to flip. Defaults to an empty list.
deg (int): The degrees to flip. Defaults to 180.
frame (int): The frame to flip. Defaults to -1.
ValueError: If no fliplist is provided.
- Rotating the nucleobase by 180 degrees corresponds to the Hoogsteen base pair configuration.
Flip DNA
dna = mdna.make('GCAAAGC)
dna.flip(fliplist=[3,4], deg=180)
if self.traj is None:
if len(fliplist) == 0:
raise ValueError('Provide a fliplist')
flipper = Hoogsteen(self.traj, fliplist=fliplist, deg=deg, verbose=True)
self.traj = flipper.get_traj()
def methylate(self, methylations: list = [], CpG: bool = False, leading_strand: int = 0, frame: int = -1):
"""Methylate the nucleobases of the DNA structure.
The method updates the `traj` attribute of the DNA object.
methylations (list): List of base pairs to methylate. Defaults to [].
CpG (bool): Whether to methylate CpG sites. Defaults to False.
leading_strand (int): The leading strand to methylate. Defaults to 0.
frame (int): The frame to methylate. Defaults to -1.
ValueError: If the DNA structure is not loaded.
ValueError: If the methylations list is empty.
Using the `CpG` flag will methylate the CpG sites in the DNA structure. This flag supercedes the methylations list.
Methylate DNA
dna = mdna.make('GCGCGCGAGCGA)
if self.traj is None:
if len(methylations) == 0 and not CpG:
raise ValueError('Provide a non-empty methylations list')
methylator = Methylate(self.traj, methylations=methylations, CpG=CpG, leading_strand=leading_strand)
self.traj = methylator.get_traj()
def extend(self, n_bp: int = None, sequence: Union[str|List] = None, fixed_endpoints: bool = False, forward: bool = True, frame: int = -1, shape: np.ndarray = None, margin: int = 1, minimize: bool = True, plot : bool = False, exvol_rad : float = 2.0, temperature : int = 300):
"""Extend the DNA structure in the specified direction.
The method updates the attributes of the DNA object.
n_bp (int): Number of base pairs to extend the DNA structure. Defaults to None.
sequence (str or List, optional): DNA sequence to extend the DNA structure. If not provided, the sequence will be generated randomly. Defaults to None.
fixed_endpoints (bool, optional): Whether to fix the endpoints of the DNA structure during extension. Defaults to False.
forward (bool, optional): Whether to extend the DNA structure in the forward direction. If False, the DNA structure will be extended in the backward direction. Defaults to True.
frame (int, optional): The time frame to extend. Defaults to -1.
shape (np.ndarray, optional): Control points of the shape to be used for extension. The shape should be a numpy array of shape (n, 3), where n is greater than 3. Defaults to None.
margin (int, optional): Number of base pairs to fix at the end/start of the DNA structure during extension. Defaults to 1.
minimize (bool, optional): Whether to minimize the new DNA structure after extension. Defaults to True.
plot (bool, optional): Whether to plot the Energy during minmization. Defaults to False.
exvol_rad (float, optional): Excluded volume radius. Defaults to 2.0.
temperature (int, optional): Temperature for equilibration. Defaults
ValueError: If the DNA structure is circular and cannot be extended.
ValueError: If neither a fixed endpoint nor a length is specified for extension.
ValueError: If the input sequence is invalid or the number of base pairs is invalid.
- If the DNA structure is circular, it cannot be extended.
Extend DNA structure
nuc = mdna.make(n_bp=100)
nuc.extend(n_bp=10, forward=True, margin=2, minimize=True)
if self.circular:
raise ValueError('Cannot extend circular DNA structure')
if self.traj is None:
if shape is None:
shape = Shapes.line(length=1)
if self.frames is None:
# Check the input sequence and number of base pairs
sequence, n_bp = _check_input(sequence=sequence, n_bp=n_bp)
extender = Extender(self, n_bp=n_bp, sequence=sequence, fixed_endpoints=fixed_endpoints, frame=frame, forward=forward, shape=shape, margin=margin)
# Also update, n_bp, sequence, frames etc
self.nuc = extender.nuc
if minimize:
self.nuc.minimize(fixed=extender.fixed, endpoints_fixed=fixed_endpoints, plot=plot, exvol_rad=exvol_rad, temperature=temperature)
# Update attributes
self.sequence = self.nuc.sequence
self.traj = self.nuc.get_traj()
self.frames = self.nuc.get_frames()
self.n_bp = self.nuc.n_bp
def invert(self):
"""Inverse the direction of the DNA structure so from 5' to 3' to 3' to 5
The method updates attributes of the DNA object.
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented yet')
def get_linking_number(self, frame : int = -1):
"""Get the linking number of the DNA structure based on Gauss's linking number theorem.
frame (int, optional): Time frame of trajectory, by default -1
linking_number (np.ndarray): Numpy array containing the linking number, writhe, and twist corresponding to the time frame
if self.frames is None:
frames = self.frames[:,frame,:,:]
positions = frames[:,0]
triads = frames[:,1:].transpose(0,2,1) # Flip row vectors to columns
writhe = pylk.writhe(positions)
lk = pylk.triads2link(positions, triads)
return np.array([lk, writhe, lk - writhe])
def save_pdb(self, filename : str = None, frame : int = -1):
"""Save the DNA structure as a pdb file.
filename (str, optional): Filename to save the pdb file. Defaults to None.
frame (int, optional): If the trajectory has multiple frames, specify the frame to save. Defaults to -1.
# check if traj
if self.traj is None:
if filename is None:
filename = 'my_mdna'